Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16th, 2014: The (Second to) Last Monday!

Thought of the day: Why does writer's block occur at random?
Ah, another Monday. At least this is the last schoolday Monday. Almost; normally, I wouldn't have to go in to school next Monday, as I have no exams in my 3rd and 4th block classes, but I have to go in anyhow, because of the days of school that I've missed. But the days are bound to be fun; perhaps I can convince my 4th block to have a little party on Monday, seeing as we won't have a final exam. Today has been interesting, but overall good; I ended up getting up a bit late, but made it in just around 7:00 this morning. However, when I arrived, there were no tables set out, and so my group of friends huddled by a corner of a nearby wall in the cafeteria until we were all there. It was a bit odd, but nothing too unusual. Perhaps the janitors forgot to arrive earlier to set out the tables. First block with my morning coffee was a breeze, and Mr. Friday was very understanding about me forgetting to turn in my term paper, but I did indeed have it ready on Friday. So, that's handed in, and I have no homework to worry about this week besides an essay for my Theatre Arts class and exam review Thursday night. I'm awful at remembering assignments, anyhow; I have a terrible memory unless I have huge reminders plastered in front of me, for some reason. But, ah well; what needs to be done is done, and there's little to worry about until summer begins. 2nd block was rather fun; we designed our own sprites for a game we're working on as part of the final, and Mr. Patac even gave us brownies this morning, which were delicious, and everyone seemed happy to get to work after that. Chorus was a bit dull and loud, but I sat next to Mary again, and we sang Broadway songs, which was nice. She's told me she signed up to sing a song for the class tomorrow, and encouraged me to do the same; I'm glad she had the courage to, but I don't think I'd be able to do that. Maybe; I might just sign up for the lulz and then do a simple but nice song. Just maybe. In 4th block, we started watching a movie called Marathon Man, which is...interesting, to see the least. But a note of warning; if you're scared of the sight of murder/blood and suspense music just gives you pure chills, I wouldn't recommend watching it. It's certainly a nice movie, but too much for myself to handle. I'll try to make it to the end of the movie and see how it ends, though. After school today wasn't terribly eventful; I had time with Alex today, as my mother and little brother were out shopping again, and I helped her make a cupcake, and then we played for a bit before she wanted to use the computer. And while out, my mother picked me up some really nice Nike running shoes for this summer; I'm not overweight at all, but I'm very out of shape, and so this summer I'd like to start running with Josh and maybe playing tennis, too - if I picked up any sport, I'd like to try out tennis. Mayhaps I can start on that soon; once I break in these new shoes, of course. I was able to have my favorite sausage gumbo soup for lunch, and it was impeccable. Savory food will be the death of me. Now, to get some caffeine in myself so that I don't pass out at 8:30 pm. Brace yourselves; final exams are coming.

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