Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Oh my, my first blog post! How exciting.
Well, not really my first. I ran a blog off of Wordpress to document my thoughts, poetry and ideas, but that blog has since come to an end, and I more often simply write to social media. But I don't want to forget who I am at the same time, and so I decided to create a blog in which I post daily about my endeavors and encounters. Will it be exciting? Most likely not, I live a simple life and have a very large comfort zone. But this is more of a personal blog, anyhow. I want to document my life so I don't forget who I am - as of late, it appears I may have. I've let my happiness slip beyond me, and let my self-esteem all but plummet as my disdain for myself grew over this last year; I realize that if I wish to lead a successful life, I can't harp on myself all the time, or I'll hardly get anywhere. And I want to follow my dreams, no matter the hardship that may pull me back. There is never a more opportune time than now. But, without further adieu, I'd like to give some background information about myself, as well, before I truly 'begin' the blog.
To start out, my name is Sierra Hope S.; last name omitted for being much too long and distasteful. I was born in southern Vermont on April 6th, 1997, and have lived here my entire life. My life has been rather easy, but not without some troubles here and there. I live with my mother, whom I consider both my mother and father, though my biological father is still alive. I have no contact with him, nor wish to at this point in my life due to a history of traumatic verbal abuse, which cannot even be reported, as verbal abuse leaves no physical marks. But that isn't of too much importance now; what's important is that I'm now living in a safe and loving environment with a wonderful mother. I was born with only an older sister, who is four years my senior, but at times can be as mature as a 6-year old. She's also quite a pain in the neck, but I love her to pieces, and she's always been a great sibling. Over the years, I gained two other siblings, and younger brother and sister; my little brother is now 2 1/2 years old, and my little sister just turned 7 not too long ago. They give me the worst headaches and encourage me to not have children until I'm in my 30's, but I love them both to death. I also have a lovely dork of a boyfriend, whom is my age and the one person who can get me out of bed in the morning and give me the inspiration I need to make it through the day. I'm nearly done with my junior year in highschool, and I'm both excited and scared to be a senior; I still have so much to do my senior year. I have yet to take Driver's Ed, but will be incorporating the class into my schedule next year, and hopefully will have my license no later than January. I know, I'm a slacker. I'm just entirely afraid of being a poor driver, but hey, that's what Driver's Ed is for, anyway. I'm also looking to take more music and computer courses, as I will either major in Music Education or Computer Science in college. I'd like to go to college in New York, as it's the next state over, and I've always wanted to see what living in rural New York was like; I'll never live in a city, however. Big cities are just too crowded for me, but being close to stores is a nicety. I'd like to also incorporate writing into my future career, but I know that it's difficult to make a living off of writing; perhaps I'll leave it as a side hobby until then. As my year goes on, hopefully I'll figure that out.
Interests and Hobbies:
Music: There's almost nothing I love more than music. Maybe Josh. Maybe. I've been in my school's choir since 2nd grade, all except for my freshman year, when I was unaware that I could ask my counselor to put me in chorus. Ah, well; next year, however, I may not be in chorus, as there's many more classes I'd like to take before school is over, though I may be able to audit the class in somehow. Hopefully. This year, I also decided to take up the acoustic guitar, which I've always wanted to learn. Hopefully by next year I'll have a few songs down, besides Wonderwall, and will be able to enjoy music while not being in a music class.
Writing and Drawing: 
I wouldn't call myself an artist by a long shot; no, I am merely one who enjoys doodling. I probably won't do anything with art, but I always find doodling relaxing, and sometimes am able to make some interesting drawings. As for writing, I'm much more proficient, and love poetry most of all. I don't like to read poetry as much, unless it's very eye-catching. I'd have to say my favorite poet is William Butler Yeats; what that man could do with words is amazing. My favorite poem is Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven, and I try to take after Yeats' example. Though I will also likely do little with writing in my future career, I would like to continue writing and maybe publish a poetry book later on in life. If I can find a publisher one day..
I have a lot of favorite things, but for some things I have trouble finding favorites. Rather than paragraph format, here's a colossal list of my favorite things and enjoyements;

  • Josh; He doesn't even need a category.
  • Food: Pizza, gumbo, lentil soup, falafel, anything Thai
  • Color(s): Purple, Green, Blue, and certain shades of a reddish-Pink
  • Movies: The Lion King, Warm Bodies, How to Train Your Dragon, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Rent, Les Miserables (Liam Neeson version), Oliver Twist (2005)
  • Television: Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, House, Friends, That 70's Show, Whose Line is it Anyway, Doctor Who
  • Music: Adam Gontier, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Imagine Dragons, Skillet, Paramore, Flyleaf, Foo Fighters, Saosin, Coldplay, Borderlands 2 Soundtrack, Payday & Payday 2 Soundtracks
  • Books: The Inheritance Cycle, The Lovely Bones, 13 Reasons Why, Harry Potter Series, A Song of Ice and Fire
  • Games: Portal & Portal 2, Borderlands 2, Payday 2, WoW, Minecraft, Pokemon, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, The Elder Scrolls IV & V: Oblivion and Skyrim, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Octodad & Octodad: Dadliest Catch, The Cat Lady, Team Fortress 2, Surgeon Simulator 2013, The Stanley Parable, Super Hexagon, Goat Simulator, Plague Inc., Arc Rise Fantasia
I may go back and edit this later, but for now, hopefully that's sufficient information about me. Onward, to victory!

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